Allied Academies

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Exemplifying the Prominence of Materials Physics and Materials Science

Welcome Message

After the grand success of Materials Physics 2018, we welcome you back for the 2nd International Conference on Materials Physics and Materials Science slated on May 20-21 at Vienna, Austria.

Our stimulating and invigorating theme of the congress is Exemplifying the Prominence of Materials Physics and Materials Science.

Materials Physics 2019 is the best platform for all Materials Physics and Materials Science Community to bring up your research work and present.

Widely acclaimed speakers, the latest procedures, improvements and up to date refreshes in Materials Physics and Materials Science is the authentication mark of this Materials Physics 2019.

This Materials Physics 2019  also provide opportunities to meet and associate with the present and potential researchers to investigate more on Materials Physics and Materials Science, make a sprinkle with recent advancements

Join us at Vienna to share your expertise knowledge with global platform of Materials Physics and Materials Science Community.


Meet and Explore at Vienna, Austria!
Organizing Committee
Materials Physics 2019

Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Session on : Materials Physics

Materialsphysics is the utilization of physics to depict the physicalproperties of materialsMaterials physics isviewed as a subset of condensed matter physics andapplies basic condensed matter ideas to complex multi-phase media,including materials ofinnovative intrigue. Materialsphysics is one of the biggest, most diverse and dynamic fields inmodern physics, including all aspects of the solid and liquids states ofmatter.

Materialsphysics conference covers extensive variety of fields suchas chemistry, solid mechanics, solid state physics, and materials science.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Condensed Matter Physics

Condensed matter physics is thefundamental science of solids and fluids. As the biggest part of physics, it has thebest effect on our everyday lives by giving establishments to innovationimprovements. The investigation of condensed matter physics includesestimating different material properties through exploratory tests alongsideutilizing strategies of theoretical physics to create mathematical models thathelp in understanding physical behavior.

The Session on condensed matter physics providesthe participants and all the attendees with an opportunity to lengthen theirinformation in the subject and interact with professionals at Materials PhysicsConference.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Photonic Materials

Photonics isa zone of study that includes the utilization of radiant energy, (for example,light), whose essential component is the photon. Photonic applications utilizethe photon similarlythat electronic applications utilize the electron. Gadgets that keep running onlight have various points of interest over those that utilization power.

By joining the Materials physicsconference you can gain knowledge in the latest technologiesabout PhotonicMaterials.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Semiconductor Materials

Semiconductor devicescan show a range of valuable properties, for example, passing current moreeffortlessly one way than the other, indicating variable resistance, andsensitivity to light or heat. Since the electrical properties of a semiconductor material canbe adjusted by doping, or using electrical fields or light, device producedusing semiconductors canbe utilized for amplification, switching, and energy conversion.

You can gain knowledge about the latest technologiesin SemiconductorMaterials by being a part of this Materials physicsconference.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Structures and Quantum Phenomena inMaterials

Structural materials incorporate materials whosemain role is to transmit or support a force. Structural materials are materials utilizedor considered essentially for their mechanical properties, as opposed to theirelectronic, magnetic, chemical or optical characteristics.

Materialsphysics conference will bring together world-class professors,researchers, scientists and students across the world to discuss the currentdevelopments that are taking place in the field of Structures and QuantumPhenomena in Materials.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Solid Mechanics

Solid mechanics is the part of continuum mechanics thatstudies the behavior of solid materials, particularlytheir movement and distortion under the action of forces, temperature changes,phase changes, and other external or internal agents. Strong mechanics broadlyutilizes tensors to depict stresses, strains, and the connection between them.

Mark your Presence at Materials physicsconference. This gathering of global researchers brings Extraordinaryresearch propels in fracture, erosion and exhaustion of materials and inapplications as diverse as structural health monitoring, aerospace and medicalengineering.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Solid-State Physics

Solid-state physics is thestudy of rigid matter, or solids, through techniques such as quantum mechanics,crystallography, electromagnetism, and metallurgy. It is thebiggest part of condensed matter physics.Solid-state physics examineshow the large-scale properties of solid materials resultfrom their atomic-scale properties.

The Global platform Materials physicsconference provides opportunity for the researchers in the field ofsolid-state physics tomeet and exchange information.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Non-equilibrium Physics

The term non-equilibrium physics signifiesthe study of physical systems that are not in mechanical and thermalequilibrium with their environment. at times, these are systems suddenly movingtoward equilibrium, for example, a molten metallic alloy being permitted tocool and solidify.

Materialsphysics conference is designed in such a way to provide diverse andcurrent research that will provide an in-depth analysis in the field of Non-equilibrium Physics.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Materials Science and Engineering

The interdisciplinary field of materials science, alsocommonly termed materialsscience and engineering is the design and disclosure of new materials, especiallysolids. The scholarly beginnings of materials science comefrom the Enlightenment, when scientists started to utilize analytical thinkingfrom chemistry, physics,and engineering to understand ancient, phenomenological perceptions in metallurgy andmineralogy.  

Advance Your Knowledge with Recent Advancements by being apart of Materialsscience conference and share your new thoughts and new advancementsamong experts, students in Materials Science stream.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : MetalsMetallurgy and Alloys

Metals, Metallurgy and Alloys is a domain of materials science andengineering that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metalliccomponents, their inter-metallic compounds, and their blends, which are calledalloys. Metallurgy isused to isolate metals from their ore. Metallurgy is alsothe innovation of metals: the way by which science is connected to thegeneration of metals, and the engineering of metal components for use inproducts for consumers and manufacturers.

Explore the Futuristic approaches by joining Materials scienceconference. This Congress offers an opportunity to meet and make newcontacts in the field of Materials Science andEngineering, by providing collaboration spaces to delegates with invaluablenetworking time for you.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Soft Materials and Bio Materials

Soft materials are materials that canbe effectively distorted by thermal stresses or thermal fluctuations at aboutroom temperature Soft materials incorporate fluids, polymers, foams, gels,colloids, granular materials,and additionally most soft organic materials. A biomaterial is anysubstance that has been engineered to connect with biological systems for amedicinal reason - either a therapeutic or an analytic one.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Ceramics and Composites

Ceramics cover an extensive variety of materials fromauxiliary materials like cement to specialized earthenware production like PZT– a piezoelectric. Generally, they are characterized as solids with a blend ofmetallic or semi-metallic and non-metallic components that are very hard,non-conducting and corrosion-resistant.  

In this Materials scienceconference discussions related to materials science throughvariable means will explore the new methods to improve the existingtechnologies and to  develop new applications in the field of ceramics andcomposites.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Energy Materials

Energy Materials include a wide class of materials that mayhave applications in energy transformation or transmission. The requirement formaintainable, secure, and efficient energy is one of the incredible designingdifficulties within recent time. Materials are theconstraining parts of almost all energy advancements. Materials scienceconference deals with the basic concepts, students, delegates,academicians and business people can attend the conference to root up theknowledge and excel in the field of energy materials.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Electronic Materials

Electronic Materials are what you find inside the componentsmaking up electronic products. They consist of some stuff that you cannoteasily exchange with something else - not even in principle - without losingthe function.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Materials Chemistry

Materialschemistry includes the utilization of chemistry for the design andsynthesis of materials with intriguing or potentially useful physicalcharacteristics, for example, magnetic, optical, structural or catalyticproperties. Materialschemistry is unique in providing the intellectual establishment todesign, create and understand new types of matter, given it could be organic,inorganic, or hybrid materials.

Materialsscience conference permits delegates to possess problems addressed onequipment’s by recognized global experts with the most recent developments inthe Materialschemistry on new techniques and technologies.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Nanomaterials and Nanoscale Physics

Nanomaterials arechemical substances or materials that areproduced and used at a very small scale. Nanomaterials aredeveloped to exhibit novel qualities contrasted with a similar material withoutnanoscale highlights, for example, such as increased strength, chemicalreactivity or conductivity. Nanomaterials arean undeniably essential result of nanotechnologies. Nanomaterials arecoming into healthcare, electronics, cosmetics and other areas.

Materialsscience conference is designed in such a way to provide diverse andcurrent research that will provide an in-depth analysis in the field of Nanomaterials andNanoscale Physics.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on: SurfaceCoating and Films

Surface coating, any mixture of film- forming materials inaddition to shades, solvents, and different added substances, which, whenconnected to a surface and restored or dried, yields a thin film that isfunctional. A coating is developed from a surface by chemical reaction of thesubstrate surface with a vapor or liquid. The coating itself might be anall-over covering, totally covering the substrate, or it might just cover partsof the substrate.

In this Materials scienceconference, participants can gain knowledge of global experts in the fieldof materialsphysics and materialsscience.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy alludesto a plethora of various methods that utilize radiation with the end goal toacquire information on the structure and properties of matter, which isutilized for fathoming a wide assortment of analyticalproblems. Historically, spectroscopy originatedthrough the study of visible light scattered by its wavelength, by a prism.Later the idea was extended extraordinarily to incorporate any interaction withradiative energy as a component of its wavelength or frequency. Spectroscopicinformation’s are often represented by an emission spectrum, a plot of thereaction of wavelength or frequency.

Participate in the Global Materials scienceconference, key news and difficulties could be learnt and examined withsenior level speakers.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Session on : Polymer Physics

Polymerphysics is the field of physics thatstudies polymers, their changes, mechanical properties, and additionally theenergy of responses including degradation and polymerization of polymers andmonomers respectively. While it focuses around the viewpoint of condensedmatter physics,polymer physics is initially a part of statistical physics. Polymerphysics and polymer chemistry are likewise related with the field of polymerscience, where this is viewed as the applicative part of polymers.

Be a Part of Materials scienceconference, to know about the significant role of polymers in human lifewill be highlighted and this will be a milestone in the revolution of materials science.


MaterialsPhysics Conference | MaterialsScience Conference | MaterialsPhysics Conferences | MaterialsScience Conferences | MaterialsPhysics Meetings | MaterialsScience Meetings | PhysicsConference | PhysicsConferences | MaterialsPhysics Congress | MaterialsScience Congress

Related conferences:

35th World Congresson Materials Science and Nanotechnology,July 22-23, 2019, Melbourne, Australia, MaterialsScience Conference, May 27-28,2019 Taipei, Taiwan, International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and PhysicalMetallurgy, April 08-09, 2019 Toronto, Canada, 5th CondensedMatter and MaterialsPhysics Conference, September 02-03, 2019, Berlin, Germany

Related Societies and Associations:

TheMaterials Information Society (ASMInternational) | MaterialsResearch Society (MRS)| InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | MagneticMaterials Producers Association | MaterialsResearch Society | MineralsMetals &Materials Society | InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials | American Physical Society | Magnetic MaterialsProducers Association |

Market Analysis

Global Market Analysis:

The future development prospects for the Materials market are optimistic and it is developing at a twofold digit CAGR in the past five years and is seen to proceed at a vigorous rate.

Factors propelling the development of the Materials Physics and Materials Science market incorporate the expanding and prompt requirement for high-resolution information on Nano photonics, technological advancements, increasing government financing, and increasing R&D in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. Then again, factors limiting the development of the Materials market incorporate shortage of qualified and experienced analysts, absence of summed up recreation strategies related with the kinds of proteins, and exceedingly tedious and costly Nano materials and Simulation processes. 

Rising advancements in Materials Physics like X-beam free electron lasers, lab automation using liquid handling robotics, and automated workstations to lessen work power and increase efficiency indicate promising prospects.


UK is the biggest Materials market, closely followed by European countries like Austria, Germany, France etc. The two markets will enrol high single-digit development rates for the following five years. The Asian market is ready to develop at a twofold digit rate inferable from the increasing investment opportunities for companies in these juvenile markets and the increased focus of pharmaceutical and biomedical organizations towards the Asian locale as a re-appropriating goal.

In Austria

After an acceleration of economic activity in the first half of 2017, latest business surveys do not suggest a further strengthening for Austria. GDP is expected to grow by 2.8% in 2017, the highest rate in six years. Austrian economy may grow in 2018 at the same rate as in 2017. From a cyclical perspective, further extension of the current expansionary fiscal policy would not be appropriate. The Austrian business sector expresses great optimism on current economic conditions and the outlook for the months to come. 

Past Conference Report

The International Conference on Materials Physics and Materials Science was held during November 22-23, 2018 at Paris, France focusing on the theme Accentuating Novel Research in Materials Physics and Materials Science.

We would like to thank all our Organizing Committee Members, wonderful Keynotes, Speakers, Conference attendees, Students, Associations, Media partners, Collaborators, for making Materials physics 2018 a successful and splendid event.

Materials Physics 2018 was marked by the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing various countries, who have driven this event into the path of success.

The conference was embarked with an opening ceremony followed by a series of lectures delivered by both Honorable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The adepts who promulgated the theme with their exquisite talk were:

  • Anatoliy V Glushchenko | University of Colorado | USA
  • Daniel Chateigner | University of Caen Normandy | France
  • Denis L Nika | Moldova State University | Republic of Moldova
  • Osman Adiguzel |Firat University | Turkey
  • Yan H | Queen Mary University of London | UK
  • Sergey Kotomin | Russian Academy of Sciences | Russia
  • Cortona P | University of Paris-Saclay | France
  • Amjad Al Shawi | Bangor University | UK
  • Ahmed Mohammed Almogbel |  King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology | Saudi Arabia
  • Shaira M | National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon | France
  • Codjo Hountondji | Sorbonne University | France
  • Magnus S Magnusson | University of Iceland |  Iceland
  • Natia J | Vekua Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology | Georgia

We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee Members for their gracious presence, support, and assistance towards the success of Materials Physics 2018.

With the grand success of Materials Physics 2018, AAC is proud to announce the 2nd International Conference on Materials Physics and Materials Science to be held during May 20-21, 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

Convey Your Research Ideas at Vienna!!


As a segment of the International conference, it feels gratification to proclaim International Conference on Materials Physics and Materials Science which is going to be held on May 20-21, 2019 at Vienna, Austria.

Materials Physics 2019  is an excellent event tailored for Physicist, Researchers and Students to get latest updates in the field of Materials Physics and Materials Science.

Materials Physics 2019  with great pleasure invites eminent participants from different industries, research institutes, universities and various laboratories to have a look at all the new inventions and discoveries in the Materials Physics and Materials Science.

Why to attend?

Materials Physics 2019 ensures the participants in providing an informative event on various subjects in the field of Materials Physics and Materials Science.

It brings all the eminent professors, scientists, physicist, academicians, students and industrialists under a single roof which helps in building up the professional network and provides a great chance to interact with various personalities. It helps you explore all the new updates regarding Materials Physics and Materials Science.

Target Audience

Why Vienna, Austria?

Vienna is the federal capital and largest city of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.8 million (2.6 million within the metropolitan area, nearly one third of Austria's population), and its cultural, economic, and political center. It is the 7th-largest city by population within city limits in the European Union. The city is located in the eastern part of Austria and is close to the borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. In 2001, the city center was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In July 2017 it was moved to the list of World Heritage in Danger. The historic center of Vienna is rich in architectural ensembles, including Baroque castles and gardens, and the late-19th-century Ring strabe lined with grand buildings, monuments and parks.

Renowned Speakers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 20-21, 2019
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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